birthday "CAKE SMASHES"

If anything is a major milestone in a childs' life it is their first birthday. Birthday photographs are always taken, but to make their birthday even more fun and to make to some really timeless photos, letting the birthday boy or girl have a cakesmash gives the perfect opportunity! And what is a cakesmash...? A baby, a cake and a lot of mess, as they have full permission to create as much chaos as they like...!!  And I'll be there to capture the birthday madness!

Cakesmashes can be unpredictable, ranging from baby burying his or her head into the cake, to tears and tantrums and baby not playing ball!! To take any added “stress” out of the situation I travel to the family home where we can set up a studio environment in a room within the house. The added bonus is I can leave the parents to clean up afterwards!!

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